Legal information

This site is published by : POOL COVER S.A.

Company number: 0441.314.861
Publication manager: Rudy LANGE, Managing Director

Parent company headquarters :
Rue Véroffe, 12 – 5660 Mariembourg (Couvin) – Belgium

Telephone: 060 41 23 91
Fax: 060 41 23 93

Personal information published on the site :

Information has been provided and authorization sought from all persons whose personal information is published on the site.

Personal information collected on the site :

  • By “e-mail”: All data collected by e-mail is for the strict use of POOL COVER.
  • By “form”: Only fields with an * are mandatory. All data collected in the form are for the strict use of the company POOL COVER.

You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete this data at any time. Contact us:

Copyright© :

This entire site is governed by Belgian and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights reserved (downloadable documents, images, photographs, etc.).

The POOL COVER® logo and word mark are registered trademarks. Any use of these trademarks by POOL COVER sa and MULTIDOME sarl is granted under exclusive license. Other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
Reproduction of all or part of this site on any electronic medium whatsoever is strictly forbidden without the express authorization of the publication director.

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